Winter's Regression Chapter 1

“Your late” Devin said as he quickly jotted Winter’s name down on the ledger,he looked up and let out a exasperated sigh,he used to hate Winter,her dark punk rock goth look really irritated customers,and if that wasn’t bad enough she made no attempts to control her distain for her job

“And a good morning to you Dev” she said smiling at her manager

“Table 7 needs a waiter” he said handing her a menu

“Right” she rolled her eyes, ‘only 2 more months" she apporched the back of the restaurant and nearly scowled at the man sitting there

She had once went to high school with Edward Meyers,he was a loser them and from looking at him in his beige suit,hair slicked back and faux smooth persona he was a loser now

“Hi welcome,I’m Winter can I take your order” she said pulling out her pad

“Oh my god Win….”

“Yes Eddie it’s been a while,now your order?”

“Sure lets see hmm” he quickly flipped through the menu “well what would you recommend?”

Winter rolled her eyes “everyone likes the burger” she said

He laughed a bit “ill have the burger then,with fries and a coke” he closed the menu and handed to her

“Coming right up”

“Oh Winter”

“Yes Eddie?”

You Should Smile More” Winter burned with anger at this,how dare he!

“Heh heh your right” she heard herself say as she smiled and turned toward the kitchen

“We got a order fries and a burger” Ramon the chef stared at Winter confused

“What?” She asked

“You never smile it’s….creepy” he said turning away to start cooking,Winter turned to a mirror and tried to stop smiling but only succeeded in making a new wide eye smile

She gulped as she noticed Eddie finishing his drink, “refill?” She asked and be nodded,she tried again to stop smiling but failed

“Thanks” he said taking his drink, “say how bout I take you out tonight,maybe we can…”

“As if” she spat

“Your right” he laughed for a moment “Let’s Get Out Of Here” she felt her body move on its own, following him out of the diner and toward his car,he opened the door for him and even buckled her in,all the while she fought to get control of her body,none of this made any sense,why couldn’t she control herself

“Now where should we go first?” He asked

“Screw you,you dickhead I don’t know how your doing this but I…”

Suck Your Thumb” he said as they drove off


The entire drive she tried pulling her thumb out,but it felt stuck,Eddie laughed at her effort

Before long they made it to his house,“we’re going to have a blast this weekend”

“Hmm” she said through her thumb,he placed his hand on her’s and pulled her thumb out of her mouth, “now follow me” he said this time she didn’t feel force to,she figured it was better not to refuse

She was surprised how normal the house was

“Nice place” she said,he shrugged and removed his jacket

“I guess” he looked her over “god I use to think you were hot” he said making Winter angry

“Screw you!” He laughed

“Maybe later,anyway here” he said handing her a large paper shopping bag, “now listen carefully Take A Shower,Then Use Everything in The Bag,and place your clothes in this bag and return it to me” Winter started moving upstairs,weird since she didn’t know where his bathroom was located

The bathroom was odd,as far as she knew be lived alone,but there were childish towels,bath toys and children’s shampoo scattered through the room

She dropped the bag and slowly started to strip,she blushed as she was a mere prisoner in her own body

The shower was actually nice,even though she had to use My Little Pony shampoo

The shower unfortunately was very brief as her hands turned off the water 5 minutes in

She then grabbed the bag,not even bothering with a towel

She didn’t know how Eddie was doing any of this,but her body seemed to know what he wanted without him saying it

To her shock she was holding golden brown quick dye

“No!” She yelled,she liked her hair black,but her body didn't obey and soon enough it started applying the dye in

Soon enough her hair began to dry and the smell faded

Her body then dumped the remaining contents onto the floor and began putting her clothes into the bag

Her hand reached for a pink t-shirt,she looked and there was no bra,honestly she really didn’t need one but still

She stares at the cartoon pony on the shirt,next she grabbed two hair ties,she tried fighting as she realized what Eddie and by extension her body wanted to do with her hair

But it was no use,she tied her hair into pigtails,making her look less Goth and more like a Bimbo

There were only two remaining items,one was a pink skirt the other she didn’t recognize

Her body grabbed the skirt and pulled it up,it ended right past her was,finally she grabbed the item,it felt foreign to her,she inspected it till she realized it was a pull up diaper

“No…no I’m not doing this I’m not!” Her body betrayed her and began unfolding it then pulling it on her

She didn’t want to look at herself,she grabbed the bag and allowed her body to take her downstairs

She found Eddie now sitting at the kitchen table,he had a smirk on his face

“You look adorable”

“Fuck you!”

No More Swearing” a fog swirled in her mind

“Fudge you,stop doing whatever your doing you doo doo head!” Eddie smiled as Winter tried to figure out why what she was saying felt wrong

“No Winter we have an entire weekend to have some fun and then I’ll let you go”

“Really you’ll just let me go?”

“Yes,but you’ll come back” he smiled which sent shivers down Winter’s spine


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