Attitude Adjustment Chapter 2

Quinn softly moaned as the morning light awoke her,she didn’t remember going to bed or getting home

This worried her as she slowly got out of,realizing she fell asleep in her bath to robe

“I just need to grab my wallet I’m not staying long” Alex said angrily,which confused Quinn

“What’s wrong?” He looked at her shocked

“What’s wrong? Seriously after what you did last night your seriously going to ask my what’s wrong!?”

“I…don’t remember” Quinn said,this didn’t calm Alex down

“Not surprising I found you wasted with another girls tongue down your throat,then you puked all over yourself!”

This shocked Quinn she didn't plan on getting drunk,she didn’t even plan on drinking just killing time till he picked her up

“I don’t know what came over me I’m sorry and I…”

Alex threw his hands up “I could handle your bitchy attitude and treating me like a damn uber but cheating no I’m…”

“I’ll do anything to make it up to your I swear!” She couldn’t lose Alex despite everything she loved him

He sighed “we’ll talk when I get home” he grabbed his wallet and left Quinn


Quinn sighed as she tried to work,She had never seen Alex get that mad,but what worried her the most was she didn’t remember anything from the night before

Just sitting at the bar waiting then….

“Here’s your coffee Quinn” Gina said handing her the coffee and copies

“Thanks Gina” she said beginning to zone out as she sipped the coffee


“Quinn can I see you in my office?” Jack said,Quinn followed him into the office

“Alright this is never fun but we need to talk about what you did last night”

“What do you mean?”

“Well Quinn that email you sent last night was very inappropriate,I know you and Hayley don’t get along but what you said,I’m disappointed in you”

“I don’t know what your talking about” she said

Jack didn't look like he believed her he turned the monitor toward her

She was shocked,she didn’t write that….did she?

The vulgarity in the email shocked her,she had called Hayley every slut shaming slur in the book

And then went on to brag about how she was much superior to her

“I..don’t remember writing that I…”

“I’m sorry Quinn but I’m going to have to write you up for this,my advice if you want the promotion leave her alone and don’t do anything like this again or you’ll lose more than a promotion”

“Yessir” she said lowering her head,not wanting to meet his gaze as she was near tears


The rest of the day went by uneventful,she avoided Hayley and became extra mindful about what she said,she couldn't lose this promotion

But right now there was something more important she couldn’t lose

“Alex!” She found him sitting with a beer,looking calmer then he did just hours prior

“I’m so sorry about what happened I…”

“Don’t worry Hayley explained everything to me”

“She…she did?” Quinn asked surprised

“Yeah,I’m not happy that you kissed her but she explained everything to me”


“I’m just glad your not cheating on me,honestly its a relief”

“What did she tell you?” She asked

“Well she said you’d be embarrassed but she told me how you felt inexperienced and begged her to teach you how to be more adventurous” Quinn blushed and felt a twinge of anger interrupted by a knock at the door,Quinn turned to answer and to her shock it was Hayley and Gina

“Hi” Hayley said with a smile “Gina”

“Obey” Quinn felt miles away as her conscious mind drifted away

Gina grabbed one arm and Hayley grabbed the other as they led Quinn back to the kitchen where Alex sat

“Hi Alex this is Gina, Quinn would be lost without her, isn't that right Quinn?”

“Uh huh” she replied

“I think its time the four of us have a chat,I know Quinn really wanted us to be here to reveal her secret


Quinn was surprised to find it was morning again,but this time she wasn’t in her room,she found herself in the guest room,which had a strange scent

"Oh look who’s awake” Gina said as she entered,she seemed to have more confidence

“What’s going on?” Quinn asked,this causes Gina to smile

“Well we had a talk with Alex like you wanted and you finally told him about your…kink”

“My….My kink?”

Gina smiled “yes sweetie,you were so worried but you ripped the band-aid off last night and we’re SO proud”

Quinn stood up and felt her legs were shaky,nothing from last night rang a bell,why was Gina here and the serious question what kink

“Lets get you some breakfast” Gina grabbed her hand and led her through her apartment,Quinn wasn’t used to the geeky intern being so forceful

“Oh sweetie look who’s up” Hayley said sitting in Alex’s lap with a evil smile,he sipped his coffee and had a amused look as he looked upon his girlfriend

“Whats going on?” She asked,and got her answer as she saw her reflection in the mirror

She was completely naked all except for a large and obviously wet diaper tapped around her waist

“Oh no”


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