Knocked Down A Peg Prologue

Amy squirmed as she heard the giggling obviously directed at her,as she waddled with the tray containing her happy meal along with milk

The teens watching her obviously were laughing,here she was months out of High School,still stuck in town dressed like a damn child, wearing a school uniform, the skirt which was short enough to reveal the bottom of her childish diaper

She whimpered wishing she had a free hand to tug it down.

She sighed as she sat down in her corner,and removed her Hello Kitty backpack

She dug into it,ignoring the teens laughing and pulled out a bottle,she then poured the milk into the bottle then began to open the Happy Meal.

She wanted to leave,to get out of this outfit

But atlast she was stuck,having to wait for her girlfriend to pick her up

She ate her meal consisting on 4 chicken nuggets and apple slices

She even had to eat a certain way

1 nugget,follow by a long sip of milk,then an apple slice

As she finished she got up and threw away her garbage them return to her table where she was told to wait

She felt eye all over her,she hated people staring at her she reached into her pocket and pulled out the bright pink pacifier and plugged it in her mouth

Now one of the teens lost control and started laughing at her as one of the girls took a picture

Amy just stared at the wall waiting,like she was told to

Amy felt tears begin to well in her eyes despite herself,she dug into her backpack again and pulled the large fluffy teddy bear from her bag and hugged it close and she started to feel better...more herself

The group of teens giggling died down as the door opened and a large rotund women with a child enter

Amy felt a rush of panic and hugged her bear tighter she wished she could leave.

But she was ordered to stay here till her ride came

"Excuse me!" She was shocked out of her train of thought and looked up at the large women,the women had a evil smirk on her face

"Y...yes?" She asked stammering and growing more afraid as she noticed the women's staring at her bear

"My daughter would really like that bear"

Amy was shocked

"Um....its mine I...I need it" she wished she was lying but the bear needed to be with her always

"Your way to old to be playing with a bear,give it here" she reached for it and Amy began to panic "noooo its mine!" She cried and hugged the bear tighter

"Why you rude little" to Amy's shock the women lifted her up and placed her on her lap

As the women lifted Amy's skirt she stared at the girl in disgust

"You still wear diapers? What the hell is wrong with you,you freak!?" She shoved Amy off her to the ground

"Keep the Damn bear" Amy was shocked and tried to collect her things

She heard her phone play a babyish lullaby and she finally was free of the restaurant

She slowly opened the backseat and sat in her carseat

"So how was you lunch?" The grinning black haired girl ask readjusting her sun glasses and staring at Amy

"People laughed at me,and a lady tried to spank me"

Cassie laughed a bit then feigned sympathy"wow would anymore try to spank a good girl like you?"

Amy sniffles a bit "she wanted my bear and I..I need it"

"Oh of course you do sweetie,now let's just get you home so you can have a nap"

As they arrived at the house Amy whimpered as she saw the neighbor boys playing basketball

"Lets go Amy"  Cassie said as she pulled her out of the car and held her hand tightly

Amy heard the guys laugh at her,she really couldn't blame them,if she was still in there shoes she would be laughing at her to

"Okay sweetie hold still" Amy hated this part,Cass slowly removed her sneakers, Velcro of course,Amy could no longer tie her shoes

Then pulled down her fluffy socks,them pulled her skirt down and finally her shirt

Amy shivered as Cass took her hand and led her through the hallway which were adorn with pictures of her life before

They were all she had left after Cass got rid of her Cheerleading,Gymnastics and Ballet awards....they took to much room

"Lay down" Cass said as Amy climbed into the giant crib,Cass then grabbed the large blanket and tucked her tightly in

"Now you have a nice nap while I do some work"

"I..." Amy was cut off by the pacifier, she really had no choice but to try to fall asleep in the nursery in the hot scratchy blanket

Amy wished she could go back,back to when her life was still laid out for her,when she was almost free of this town!


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