Attitude Adjustment Chapter 1

“God Alex get up!” Quinn shouted as she threw her phone at her sleeping boyfriend,he groaned as he turned to her,one eye half open

“What time is it?” He asked hoping to get back to sleep

“7:15 I need you to drive me to work” she said angrily,he grunted and rolled out of bed,reaching for his hoodie

“Fine,what’s wrong with your car anyway?” He said looking for his keys

“I don’t know,you’ll take a look later right?” It wasn't a question,it was a fact,and Alex knew he couldn’t say no

“Yeah ill take a look” he hated how bossy she was,it was cute when they first started dating freshmen year,but 8 years later,he needed a break

Quinn looked herself over,her blouse was buttoned up,her jacket neatly pressed,and her skirt modestly past her knee

She could not have any mistakes today,because today her plans would come to fruition

She winked at her reflection as Alex started honking


Gina held her breath as she slowly began cutting the circle into her phone battery,as she did she placed the small metallic disk onto the incision

“Please Please” she turned her phone on and watched her app Immediately ping


she nearly cried at her success,now she only needed to text I….

“Gina your rides here” her mother yelled from upstairs

“Coming mother!” Her testing would have to wait


Hayley almost fell over from boredom as Jack droned on about budgets and productivity

She twirled a strain on her red hair as she noticed Quinn shooting her an angry look,god that girl needed to get laid,she took all this way to seriously

“And as you know as Manager position has become available and we already have been looking at candidates” this caught Hayley’s attention,especially since if hadn’t surprised Quinn

That sneaky suck up probably assumed she had it in the bag,but she had another thing coming

“Ahh Gina how nice of you to join us” Jack said as all eye locked on the fidgety intern,she lowered her head

“S…sorry sir”

The meeting soon ended and everyone had returned to work

Hayley however followed Jack out “sir I was wondering if I could talk to you about that manager position,I’d very much like to throw my hat into the ring”

This caused Jack to smile

“Come in to my office”


Quinn fumed as she stared at Jack’s office door,that slut Hayley was trying to steal the promotion SHE earned,she kept typing,but could barely work through the rage she was feeling

“Excuse me Quinn I..”

“Not now Gina!” She yelled as she left her desk


Gina blushed,Quinn was always yelling at her,she was only going to ask her if she wanted a coffee

Honestly out of the entire office Quinn treated Gina the worst,yelling at her,insulting her and generally acting like Gina was an idiot

Which was the furthest thing from the truth

“What is this?” Quinn asked as Gina was about to leave her cubicle

“The copies you asked for” Gina answered meekly

“I asked for yellow paper!” Quinn replied throwing them at Gina

“I have a system Yellow Paper is A Part of That System!” Gina took a few steps back but Quinn Immediately got in her face

“Here’s what your going to do,your going to march your ass back down to the copy room,recopy my documents with YELLOW paper and bring them back proto with my morning coffee are we clear”

“But Gavin said..”

“Are…We….Clear?” Gina let out a gulp and scurried off

“Wow real nice Quinn” Hayley said brushing past her co-worker

“Excuse me?” Quinn asked,puffing out her chest,Hayley turned to her

“You don't have to be so mean Gina,she’s only trying to help”

“She’s a weirdo who cant do anything right,I’m the only one here who has any brains that why I’m getting that managers position” Hayley had a small smirk on her face

“I wouldn't be so sure about that,last I checked I have more accounts then you,Jack said I’m more than qualified” this left Quinn speechless as Hayley went back to her work


“Gina I already copy for Quinn” Gavin said annoyed “I have 4 other documents I gotta copy and fax over I really don't have time for this”

Gina lowered her head feeling embarrassed “I..I’m sorry I should have done it right that first time”

“No Quinn should have done it herself,look you need to stand up for yourself,your an intern doesn't mean she gets to abuse you like that” he sighed then took the document from her,within moments he had the yellow copies

“Just think about what I said”


Quinn sat by herself at the bar,she never joined her coworkers for drinks but because Alex couldn’t pick her up till later she was stuck here waiting

“Hey Quinn” Gina said sitting next to her,Quinn shot her an angry look

“Can I show you something cool,it’s this app I’m working on” she opened it up and suddenly Quinn froze in placed

“Can you hear me?” Gina asked

“Yes” Quinn said in a emotionless tone,Gina giggled her app had actually worked,she had actually hypnotized someone

“Quinn slap yourself” without hesitation Quinn slapped herself in the face,but didn’t react,merely lowered her hand,Gina had a big smile on her face

“Well Quinn listen very carefully to the sound of my voice…”


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