Rumor Has It :Day One

Lionel screamed as the fist collided with his nose, sending him falling down the small staircase.

His glasses broke off his face and bloodshot from his nose, he was disoriented as he saw the small girl standing over him with a scowl “look what you did dork you got blood all over my hand!” Ella Barker spat as she wiped her bloody hand on Lionel’s white polo.

“Y…you hit me!” He yelled

“I hit you cause you refused to give me your homework”

“I’m not gonna help you cheat!” Lionel said, holding his bloody nose.

Everyone looked and whispered as they watch the smaller girl jump on the tall lanky boy and begin beating the crap out of him

They knew they probably should have done something but everyone in school was terrified of Ella.

“Hmm” the dark-haired boy in the leather jacket said as he slipped through the crowd and saw the beating “what the hell’s going on here?” He asked puffing a cigarette in his mouth

“Ella beating up another kid again”

“Ella?” The boy asked now lighting his cigarette 

“Oh shit your the new kid, yeah she’s a fucking psycho man beats the shit out of just about everyone, I’d steer clear if I was you”

“Right,” the boy said


“Oh man, my mom’s gonna kill me!” Lionel whined as he tried tapping his glasses back together.

“You okay man?” The boy in the leather jacket asked as he exited the bathroom stall, he noticed the blood all over the sink.

Lionel laughed a sad laugh and turned to the boy “Nah my folks are gonna kill me for getting my glasses broken by Ella again”

The boy nodded and lit a cigarette “she’s a bit of a bully isn’t she?”

“That’s putting it mildly,” Lionel said still trying to fix his glasses

The boy took them from him and began to work “names Jake, by the way, Jacob Dean”

Lionel's eyes went wide as he noticed Jacob finished putting them back together and you could barely notice they were broken.

“Ya really can’t blame Ella for being a bit of a mean girl considering,” Jacob said

“Considering what?” Lionel asked sullenly, Jacob looked surprised 

“Oh, you don’t know? Oh then I really shouldn’t say”

“Say what?” Lionel asked his eyes bulging wide, Jacob had a cat-like smile on his face.

“Well rumor has it, she’s always angry cause of her inability to be potty trained, for her 18 birthday her parents got her some training pants but only to try to inspire her”

“Wait really!?” Lionel asked shocked when he realized that Ella always had a certain…odor about her “oh shit that makes so much sense!” Lionel yelled

“Of course just keep this between ourselves wouldn’t want anyone to find out and bully her,” Jacob said with a wink, before making his way out of the bathroom.

“Thanks for fixing my glasses Jacob”

“Please call me JD, have a good weekend Lionel”

Lionel got a mischievous look on his face and pulled out his phone “dude you're not gonna believe what I heard!”

Day 1: Monday

JD whistled a happy tune as he grabbed some books from his locker. The entire school seemed in such good spirits today, and he hadn’t heard anyone being picked on by Ella.

He let out a content sigh only to have his locker slammed shut by a very pissed off Ella

“Oh hi, I’m!” Ella cut him off by shoving him into a locker.

“Shut it asshole!” Ella screamed and kicked JD. “I heard you’ve been spreading rumors about me!”

“I..have no idea what you’re talking about,” JD said getting back up

“You told that pussy Lionel that I'm only ‘mean’ cause I’m not properly potty trained!” she tried kicking him again only for JD to slip out of the way.

“And?” JD asked “it’s just a rumor” he shrugged causing Ella to fume

“” It’s not true!” she screamed and JD merely smiled 

“So why are you so upset?”

“C...Cause you're a liar!” she screamed

“Or am I?” JD asked grabbing Ella and pushing her against his locker “I mean it would make a whole lot a sense if ya ask me” he held her in place as he had a malicious smile.

“I. It’s not” Ella said with a lot less confidence, JD realized how truly small she was.

“You so jealous of your classmates cause there so much smarter than you,” he said adding emphasis by poking her in the forehead

“Stop it” she whined

“Or what?” he asked, “what's the big tough girl gonna do?” JD asked, he could see the teasing was getting to Ella, she wasn’t used to being on the other side, wasn’t used to feeling small and helpless.

“Whatever just leave me alone,” she said, breaking free and making her way to class, the bell rang and the other students began to swarm the halls.

JD sprinted after Ella, and with one opportune movement of his foot, he tripped himself and grabbed the waistband on her shorts, pulling them down as he fell revealing to the student body a damp goodnite.

Ella blushed a deep crimson, but was also surprised, she had only just seen the goodnite for the first time in her life.

There was a moment of silence before everyone started to laugh, Ella looked around not sure what to do, she pulled her shorts back up and ran away.

“That was awesome dude!” a young man wearing a tony hawk hoodie said as he offered JD a high five.

“Thanks, man,” JD laughed.

“That girl deserved to be knocked down a peg man, she broke my skateboard last week”

JD shook his head in sympathy “damn that’s wrong, I mean her act has gone too far”

“What act?” the skater asked

“Well rumor has it, Ella just acts tough because she’s so afraid of her classmates, because of how juvenile she is”

“Shit bro makes a lotta sense, I gotta bounce we should chill sometime man”

“Totally” JD agreed and made his way toward his next class.

Along the way, he noticed one a redhead watching him.

“That’s really cool what you did with Ella, she’s really scary, she said she break my nose if I didn’t let her cheat off me”

“I wouldn’t worry about all of that, rumor has it, Ella is extremely weak, like a 5-year-old is tougher than her”

This caused the girl to giggle a bit “I’m Claire by the way” she offered her hand and JD took it and kissed it.

“A pleasure Claire, I’m JD” he winked and made his way to class, he had a slight nosebleed but he ignored it and continued with his day.


“Alright, girls hit the showers” Coach Reyes yelled as all the girls made their way to the locker room, Ella meekly joined in the crowd hoping to blend in.

She felt strange throughout gym class and hoped she could convince the nurse to let her go home early.

After the terrible day, she was already having she didn’t want to risk any more humiliation.

She ignored the giggling behind her and opened her bag, to her horror, her horror she found two folded-up goodnites in her backpack.

With a blush she removed her shorts and the wet goodnite, ignoring the others she dropped it in the trash and made her way toward the showers.

She just needed to shower quickly and get dressed and make her way to the nurse, she’d talk with her parents to find out what the heck was going on and then tomorrow she’d make all these assholes pay.

She turned the water off and wrapped her towel around herself, luckily the other girls were busy showering so she’d be able to get dressed undisturbed.

With some reluctance she put one of the goodnites on, she didn’t wanna walk around schools it no underwear, everyone already assumed she wasn’t potty trained and didn't want them to think she was some sort of slut too.

“Oh my god girls look, she really does wear diapers!” one of the girls said exiting the shower with her towel wrapped around her, her two friends smirked as Ella’s face went bright red.

“Shut up!” Ella yelled, but it somehow lacked her usual roar, the girls merely laughed at her, the ringleader of the group got right up in front of Ella.

“And who’s gonna make us Diaper Girl?” she asked, shoving Ella to the ground, Ella fought back tears, it felt like a much harder fall.

“You bitch!” she screamed, throwing a punch and hitting the girl in the face.

There was a silence before the girl broke out laughing “oh my god, is that seriously the hardest you can hit?” The girl slapped Ella right in the face, this time she couldn’t hold back her tears.

The pain had somehow magnified 1000% and sent Ella to the ground bawling her eyes out.

“Oh my gawd, that is pathetic!” the ringleader yelled, 

“oh my god, I have an idea” two of the girls picked Ella up and shoved her into a locker, Ella feebly tried to fight back but as the door slammed shut and she heard the lock click she realized she’d be stuck here a while.

“Let me out!” Ella screamed as she weakly pounded on the inside of the locker door, the girls laughed at the former tough girl's plight.

“Well girls we’ve had our fun..” the ringleader said, Ella had hoped that she’d be free.

“But we gotta get to class” Ella saw them each leave as she was trapped in the locker.

“NO!” she screamed and kept pounding on the locker, but it was no use, she was trapped.


JD wiped the blood from his nose, it had been happening throughout the day, but he chose not to let it ruin a great second day of school.

“Has anyone seen Ella?” Mister Jacobs the history teacher said as he looked at the computer 

“says she’s here today”

“Oh yeah she was having some trouble with her locker,” one of the girls behind JD said before she and her friends started giggling.

“Last time we saw her was in the locker room,” another said before they started laughing again.

JD smirked before he sighed in annoyance, his nose started bleeding again.

“Excuse me, sir, I have a nose bleed. Can I go to the nurse?” JD asked, Mister Jacobs, pushed his glasses down to his eyes and looked over at JD “ahh yes I see that, well feel better”

JD grabbed his backpack and headed out.


“Please!” Ella sobbed as she felt her bladder filling up, she kept her legs crossed, she didn’t know how her panties had been replaced with goodnites or why she was so weak now, but she refused to accept it.

She heard the door of the locker room open “HEY I'm in here!”

She felt relieved as she heard the lock turning, “it should be…” she whimpered as she felt her bladder slowly give out, she tried to stop it but felt herself unable, the faint aroma of urine filled the locker as the front of her goodnite grew warmer.

She fell forward flat on her face, she looked up and her face went red when she saw Weird Wendy staring down at her, she seemed so much larger than Ella remembered 

“Are you okay?” Wendy asked with her soft voice

“I’m fine,” Ella said quickly, trying to regain her composure.

Wendy sniffed “oh um” she said not wanting to finish her sentence 

Ella fumed and reached for her backpack only to realize it was gone.

“Are you okay?” Wendy asked

“I’m fine! Those assholes stole my backpack!”

She ignored the wetness in her goodnites, there was nothing she could do about it now, she needed her backpack.

She ran through the halls she only had a few moments before the bell rang, she needed to find those bitches and get her bag back.

“Oh hey,” JD said with a smirk as he held a blood-stained tissue to his nose “everyone’s been looking for you, did you get turned around?”

“N…no! I got held up” Ella said

“By a locker, I heard” JD laughed and began walking away from her, there was something off about him, but she couldn’t focus on that now she needed to get her bag back.


“Oh good you’re here Ella,” Mister Jacobs said “you can get the notes from someone we’re almost done”

Ella ran right up to the girls “give it back!”

“Give what back?” The blonde girl said 

“We don’t have anything,” a redhead said

“My backpack! give it back now!!” She said stomping her foot which made her blush.

“Aww does the baby need a change?” The blonde whispered.

“Shut up,” Ella said and reached for her bag, the blond also grabbed and effortlessly broke it out of Ella’s grip.

“Nope,” the blond said with a sneer “and to think everyone always thought you were such a tough girl, but you just a little weirdo in pull-ups” 

“Pl...Please give me my backpack back” Ella begged, tears welling her in eyes, the blond laughed at her and threw the backpack to the ground.

The bell rang and Ella frantically picked up her backpack as her classmates walked past her.

She ran toward the bathrooms she needed to get out of this wet goodnight and fast, she had no idea what was happening to her.

This entire day was a disaster but she knew as soon as she could change out of this wet goodnite everything would be better.

She winced a bit as she felt the soaked garment being pulled away as she shivered as the cold air touched her damp crotch.

She grabbed some paper towels and dabbed herself dry, as she pulled on the dry goodnite.

She looked herself in the mirror and could hardly recognize the pathetic girl staring back at her.

“Dammit your not some weakling in diapers, pull it together!” she yelled at herself as she pulled her shorts back up, she WOULD fix this.

Monday Night

Ella fumed as she looked up a source for her condition, she knew someone had to be messing with her, the only question was who? She typed away.

“Okay Ella, time to wind down,” her stepmother said entering her room….she seemed different.

“Excuse you?” Ella asked staring at her from the laptop, the woman had something in her hands.

“It’s almost time for bed,” her stepmother said as she grabbed the laptop “you can play with this tomorrow”

“I was looking something up!” Ella yelled, her stepmother opened the laptop and looked at her search, she had a sympathetic gleam in her eyes, “aww sweetie, I know still having accidents at your age must be tough, I heard the kids at school found out”

“What are you even talking about!?” Ella yelled, “this just happened today!”

Her stepmother looked confused but placed the laptop on Ella’s dresser and laid the white sheet she was holding on the bed, “I think we might need to schedule you an appointment with Doctor Lishman, I’m a bit worried about you”

She placed her hand on the cloth “lay down” Ella looked at her “please Ella, it’s been a very long day, we all need to get to bed”

Ella fumed, her stepmother never spoke to her like this, she knew her place, but Ella did feel a bit tired, so she obeyed.

Her stepmother smiled and pulled Ella’s shorts down, Ella tried to resist but found the one effortlessly held her down with one hand on her stomach.

Her stepmother removed the soaked goodnite, Ella blushed as she realized that she had no idea it was soaked until now.

Her stepmother started wiping her down with baby wipes, which made Ella blush a deep crimson.

“Butt up sweetie” Ella meekly complied and felt a thick adult-sized diaper being pulled under her.

The smell of baby powder didn’t help her embarrassment, nor did being taped snuggly into the diaper.

“Alright, that should hold you till the morning, I’ll call Doctor Lishman before school, maybe we’ll have a girls day after”

Ella didn’t say anything, but she hated the notion, heck she hated this woman.

“Sleep tight sweetie” Ella’s stepmom said kissing her on the top of the head and turning off her light.

Ella laid on her bed, feeling absolutely confused and afraid of what tomorrow would hold.


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