Ms.Mimble Chapter 1

Principal Jones looked the young women opposite of him up and down as he looked at her file "impressive resumé" he said
"Thank you sir" she smiled and showed no nervousness,despite her young age she held the confidence of a women with much more experience
"And why did you leave Larkin University?"
"Oh the student didn't need me,I belive my talents are of better use in High School where I can mold minds to prepare them for university" Jones smiled at that answer
"Well I have only one question left Miss Mimble ,when can you start?"
Miss Melody Mimble walked through the dimly lit hallway with a confident smile,she carried the large suitcase with little effort
She had work to do before she could begin
She would be teaching English 1st,3rd,and 5th period and Creative Writing 2nd and 4th period
Other teachers wouldn't want to take on the work load,but Ms.Mimble thrived on it.
As the first bell rang her classroom slowly began to fill,full of eager students who didnt know how eager they were...yet
As her final student took his seat she turned and began writing on the board
"Hello students,I'm your new teacher Miss Mimble" she heard a giggle but cbose to ignore it
"Now I have been made aware you are to turn in your book reports so begin passing them to the front" she heard groans and noticed rapidly shuffling
As she took the stack of reports which without even counting she knew was not nearly enough
"Now lets begin our lesson"
"Uh Miss can I....."
"No Zachary you may not use the bathroom"
The class giggled and she began to write on the board
"Now who can tell me about Romeo and Juliet?"
"Miss Mimble a word" the birdlike elderly women said as she shuffled over
"Ahh Mrs.Greyer a pleasure" Ms.Mimble said shaking her colleagues hand
"Same,now I need to ask a favor,my son is stuck at work and my granddaughter needs me to pick ber up,could you please take over for me with detention?" Ms.Mimble could tell this was a big ask,she merely smiled
"Of course"
"Oh thank you!"
"Its no trouble" she locked her classroom and head toward the library,she had to admit to herself it was exciting,she never had to run detention.
As she entered she quickly scanned her students, 2 girls and a boy,Zachary from first period to be precise
One girl a nervous looking young lady dressed in a large sweater to cover herself,from the way she held her arms over her chest it was to hide her body from her classmates
The other girl was a steroeotypical cheerleader,who didnt even notice Ms.Mimble's presence
"There will be no phones in detention" she said taking the girls phone
"Hey give that back!" Ms.Mimble held out her finger,pressing it to the girls lips
"Your phone will be returned AFTER detention is over Samantha, now take a seat and begin your homework"
Sam stared at her
"Hopefully you can use this time to reflect on what brought you here" Ms.Mimble said then looked to Zachary
"And you Zachary why are you in detention?"
"Skipped P.E" he said aljmping in his seat
"Sit up" she said then lifted him up in his seat
"Excerise is important Zachary"
"I guess,I'm just not in the mood to get my ass kicked by the jocks"
Ms.Mimble smiled then removed a pad from her case and scribbled a note
"Your dismissed"
"Yes,and I expect your book report on my desk by the beginning on class tomorrow are we clear?"
"Crystal" he said scurrying out
"And Alicia why are you in detention?" She asked the girl,who was taken aback that she even knew her name
"Uh her" she said pointing at Sam,Ms.Mimble have Sam a glare
"Explain" Ms.Mimble said taking a seat across from Sam
"She and her friends well" she opened her backpack,its interior covered in mash potatoes,gravy and peas
"She shoved me!" Sam yelled in defense
"After you dumped your lunch in my backpack!"
Ms.Mimble cleared her throat which was clear to both girls they were to stop talking
"Your dismissed Alicia"
"Thanks" she grabbed her bag and left,now leaving Ms.Mimble and Sam alone
"So it seems I have a little bully on my hands"
"Whatever" Sam huffed and cross her arms
"Well I think I know just how to deal with mean little girls who think its okay to bully others"
"What are you..."
"Shush" Sam obeyed
"Oh look here,it appears your classmate Zachary forgot his backpack"
Sam stared at it in Ms.Mimble's hand
"You know what's in here don't you?"
"That freaks int.."
"Shush" she undid the clasp and reached inside,pulling out a large diaper
"Odd I didn't realize they made them in this size,and look perfect size for you"
"No...I'm not going to wear a fucking diaper!"
"Yes you are,or ill see to it you are removed from the cheerleading team and are banned from any school event for example homecoming"
"You can't do that!" Sam yelled,then blushed "fine give it to me" she held out her hand and Ms.Mimble took it
"Oh I don't think so" she dragged Sam out of the library
Sam was relived no one was inside the school
They entered Ms.Mimble's classroom and the teacher brouvjt her to the desk
"Lay down"
Sam obeyed and burned red as Ms.Mimble raised her skirt and pulled her skimpy panties down
"Now butt up" she said taking her legs and lifting them before pulling a diaper under her,she then picked up her case and reached in
First she pulled out a large pacifer and placed it in Sam's mouth,she went to spit it out but found it seemed to be stuck
Next powder which she liberally apploed before finally taping the diaper tight around her waist
"Perfect" Sam just want all of this to be over,her eyes went wide as Ms.Mimble started taking pictures with Sam's phone
"Ahh the school will love to see this!"
"Mhmm" Sam tried to talk and started to flail her arms
"Whata wrong dear?" She pretended to be confused then removed the pacifier
"Please you can't show anyone that!"
"But of course I can,if I understand correctly all i have to do is press Share"
"You can't people will..."
"Bully you?"
"Yeah!" Tears began to form in Sam's eyes
"Well then my dear,if you don't want them to be shown I suggest you not bully your classmates anymore or else"
Sam nodded "I promise ill stop"
"Very well your dismissed" she said handing her the phone
As Sam left Ms.Mimble snapped her finger causing her things to return to her case
Knock Knock Knock
Zach opened thr door and was shocked to see Ms.Mimble at his door holding his backpack
"Forget something Zachary?" He quickly took it
"Thanks ma'am" he went to close the door but her case stopped him
"Aren't you going to check to see if everything is accounted for?"
"Uh...sure" he said nervously as he opened his backpack and let out a loud gulp
"Somethings missing" he said
"Yes it is currently wrapped around Samantha's posterior"
"May I come in I believe we have much to talk about"


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