One Hell of A Year Prolouge

I couldn't sit still as I sat in the waiting room along,I brushed a dark strain on hair out of my eyes and chewed on my thumb

“Miss….ter Nolan,Doctor Michael will be out to see you in a moment

"Okay” I said with a high pitch then I wanted,this was not how I saw my life going honestly or even my year going,honestly everything went down hill September of my senior year


I let out a yawn as I enter my room with a towel wrapped around me,tomorrow was my year,I would finally be going on a date with Madison Wallace,Class President,Head Cheerleader and all around hottest girl in school

I had tried to get her to notice me since freshmen year,but it wasn’t until I made the baseball team that she gave me a shot

I heard the feint knock and groaned as I turned to see…..her staring through my window

Kendra Lewis was my neighbor/stalker. beginning of Freshmen year even started watching me from her window, always snapping pictures and….I don’t even want to know what she did with them

I angrily closed my blinds,and went to bed,not even that freak could ruin this

(Oh how wrong I was)


“Hey little brother” my sister Lilith said entering my room “can’t drive you to school tomorrow”

“What? Oh come on Lil”

“Sorry Sam I have an interview you can still borrow it tomorrow night”

I sighed and went to sleep,honestly I couldn’t be to mad at her,unlike most siblings we didn’t hate enough….well for the most part


The next morning I woke up,and to my surprise the sun was shining through,didn't I close my blinds? I shook it off and started to get ready for school

As usual my folks were nowhere to be found


I opened the door and was surprised to find Kendra in my doorway,she had a package in her hand “what do you want Kenda?” I asked exasperated

“I made you sugar cookies,I know there your favorite”

“Uh thanks I…”

“Actually my sister wanted to know if you wanted a ride to school!” I eyed the clock and realized I’d be late

And against my better judgment I shrugged “sure thanks”


The ride was surprisingly uneventful,Kendra barely spoke and her sister merely prattle on about work,normal stuff which made me surprise she was Kendra’s sister

We finally arrived and I was surprise (and a bit creeped out) Kendra got very close to me as we went up the stairs


“Yeah I’m going to give you a night you’ll never forget” I said to Madison,as she was reading through something for Student Council

“Uh Sammy?” I groaned at that name especially since it was Kendra who used it,the rest of my table giggled at her,I got embarrassed a bit,you see years ago we had actually been friends and fellow rejects,until I joined the baseball team and she got crazy…well crazier

“What Kendra?”

“I…was wondering if you’d want to go out tonight to….”

“Whoa excuse me bitch?” Madison said as she shot up and wrapped her arm around mine “he’s mine” she said gently squeezing into my arm


“I said…He’s..Mine” Madison said before she poured her milk onto Kendra’s head,causing her to cry and run out of the cafeteria through a wave of laughter


“Oh my god look at this someone was recording!” Madison handed me her phone as she laughed

“Damn” was all I manage to say,honestly.I felt bad for what happened “that was a little much” I said

“Oh come on no one tries takes my man and gets away with it” she then kissed me,I was not expecting that

“And besides what is she going to do?”

(Oh if she only knew)


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