Demoted Prolouge

“Oh no no no,” Melissa said panicking as she ran as fast as she could down the street, her sneakers lighting up with each step, the pressure in her stomach only grew worse the more she ran

“One more block one more block!” She said as she saw her apartment building at the very end of the road

Ring Ring

She looked to her phone another board member concerned over the stock lowering,if it had been a few weeks ago she could have easily fixed it, hell if it was a few weeks ago the stock wouldn’t have been lowered

But allot had changed these past few weeks, mostly her

Gone was the strong confident CEO that young girls across the world would strive to be one day, now her career was on life support and she struggled not to crap her pants

“Hey, sweetie cute panties your mommy buy em for you!” A jogger yelled as he passed by her, the shock of his words almost made her lose control, but now she just blushed

Her panties were thick and cotton-like a child who barely mastered the skill of potty training would wear.

Once Melissa would wear skimpy and sexy thongs, with sexy but professional business suits

But now all her clothes were so childish, especially her underwear


“Finally!” She said as she entered through the doors of her building, this was good she literally couldn’t hold out much longer

“Excuse me, young lady, may I help you, "the door lady said, Melissa had never noticed how large of a woman she was until she looked up at the women in her childish new state

"I…uh….I’m going back up to my apartment," she said trying to summon up some of her old confidence

"I haven’t seen you around here before” Melissa knew this was a lie, they had spoken many times over the last few years, but Melissa dressed more sophisticated back then

“I….I’m Melissa Avery,” she said blushing a deep crimson, the sudden realization was only momentary as the women became confused by her state of dress, she bit her tongue and hit the button allowing her to enter the elevator

As the elevator slowly rose the pressure did the same, she clenched as tight as she could, each time they hit another floor she felt herself losing the fight but kept pushing on


“YES!” she nearly sang as she ran out of the elevator into her penthouse apartment, she threw her Hello Kitty purse to the ground and kicked off her childish sneakers as she ran to her bathroom door, but as she ran into it she found it was closed

“Huh?” She said trying to open the door but found the knob didn’t work, she tried pushing, she tried pulling

Then when the pressure got too hard to bare she charged at the door, which only succeeded in causing her to fall to the floor

The loud gurgling sound roar, as she felt her muscles loosen

“No!” Melissa cried as she felt the mass enter in the back of her panties, she tried to stop it, but her attempts were in vain

“What the hell are you crying about?” Marnie said entering the room and finding her roommate crying

“I….i uh….had an accident,” she said going red and lowering her gaze, refusing to meet Marnie’s

“Again?” Marnie asked annoyed “this is the 7th this week,” she said

“But it wasn’t my fault this time, the doors broken!” She said pointing at the door, tears streaming down her face

“No it's not,” Marnie said as she went to the door and pressed a small button above the knob causing the door to open

“I…i forgot” she sobbed

Marnie rolled her eyes “come on stupid let's get you clean up” Marnie said carefully leading Melissa inside careful not to get anything on her

Melissa sobbed the entire bath, Marnie scolded her and made her watch as she dumped out all her childish panties, part of her was glad she would no longer have to wear those ridiculous things

But another part realized if she was no longer allowed to wear panties, what would she wear?

“Come along sweetie,” Marnie said feigning kindness as she wrapped a sesame street towel around Melissa’s body and gently led her through the apartment

Melissa hated what Marnie had done to her room, gone was her beautiful hand-carved bookcase, filled with her favorite novels and her business books


Marnie had taken it upon herself to paint the case A girly pink and covered it in childish stickers. She had sold all Melissa’s book and replaced them with mind-numbing childish books

Her beautiful queen size bed was sold and replaced with a custom made adult-sized crib

Her hardwood floor was replaced with a plush rug now littered with toys

Her walls which were once a beautiful maroon shade were now covered with sesame street wallpaper

“Now sweetie lay down,” Marnie said then shoved Melissa to the ground “hopefully this will encourage you to try to use the potty,” Marnie said pulling a thick pink diaper under Melissa, then covered her in powder before tapping it snuggly to her waist

“I….i” Marnie silenced her by shoving a pacifier in her mouth

“Quiet, now I think its time you had a nap,” Marnie said picking her up easily and placing her in the crib

“My….clothes?” Melissa asked with pleading eyes

“Don’t worry sweetie, just sleep?” she said locking the crib and dimming the light

Melissa laid in the cold room, trying to bundle up, she wanted to fight back, to tell Marnie to leave her alone and get out of her apartment, but every time she dared Marnie would seem so much bigger and Melissa would wet herself in fear, which only validated Marnie’s treatment of her

She looks at the mirror across from her crib, she didn’t recognize the women staring back at her

She was once a strong independent woman…

But now she was a meek little girl who couldn't help but have accidents and was now demoted further into diapers

How had she fallen so far?


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