Couldn't Get Away Chapter 1

February 6th 2015

"Oh shit oh shit!" Lucas yelled as he ran through the halls as fast as he could,hopefully the football team was worth him forking over 5 weeks of allowance for.

If they took care of his bully they'd be well worth it, so for now he hid in the locker room and waited

He shook the entire time,until he heard the door open but to his horror the 3 football players each walked slowly in holding there heads down in shame. Bruce the largest of them had a black eye,while the shortest Zeke had a bloody nose and finally there leader Duke had a chunk of hair missing along with a penis drawn on his head

"Dude I'd run if I was you" Duke said

"Why?" Lucas asked shaking

"Bro she kicked our asses,that girl straight psycho bro!" Zeke added

"Here take this and Run!" Bruce said handing Lucas back his money,then quickly hugging him

"Good luck little duck" Lucas ran as fast as he could,then the other door opened and Becca slowly entered wearing Duke's leathermen jacket

"Which way did he go?" She asked calmly the 3 looked at each other them poninted at the door

"Very good" she said before cracking Zeke in the junk


"Oh shit!" Lucas yelled as he toppled down the stairs,he staggered to get up but heard the loud click then the door opening,he looked up in fear as he saw Rebecca Carmichael standing over him

"Awe poor baby fall down?"

"I..uh" she smirked and pushed him back down

"You made me run All around school Lucas" she said sighing in annoyance

"I'm sorry?" He offered and grabbed his backpack,before Rebecca grabbed his by the collar

"I don't like having to look for you,I think I'm gonna have to teach you some manners"

Lucas whimpered as he felt his bladder give out as the warm stream went down his pants,Rebecca was stunned as she quickly let go and took a step back

"Oh my god did you just wet yourself?" Lucas had no words,Rebecca giggled and snapped a pic with her phone

"Please you can't show anyone that!" Rebecca had a devilish smirk form on her face

"And what will you do for me?"

"Anything you name it!" Lucas said pleading on his knees trying to avoid the large puddle

"Well lets go to my house,I bet you want to get out of those wet pants" he realized it wasnt a question as Rebecca grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the school


The entire walk was embarrassing she had pulled her phone out and complained to her friends about her parents taking her car away.

As she complained her grip got tighter "yeah its all cause HE wouldnt let me copy" Lucas nearly drop to his knees in pain,but knew it would be a very bad idea.

"Yeah Lacey I'm taking a personal day,chiao" she turned to him, "now lets get one thing straight, your not to tell anyone you were here capiche?" Lucas nodded nervously

"Wh...whatever you say Rebecca" she pushed the door open

"Good now follow me" she led him up the stairs toward her bathroom

She started running a bath "strip" she commanded not bothering to look at him as she started mixing soaps, and swirling her hand in the water.

Lucas quickly removed his uniform,and blushed looking at his soaked boxers.

"Fold" she said, this time adjusting the water temperature as she avoid looking at him.

He again obeyed and folded them, she then turned and inspected him

"Hmm" was as she said before smacking him on the behind, "get in" he obeyed and she took the folded uniform.

"Oh man what have I gotten myself into?" Lucas whined as she soaked in the tub

He felt a bit of panic as he remembered his phone and wallet were still in his pants,now he had no way of getting help"


Rebecca smiled as she loaded the washer with Lucas's uniform,carefully removing the phone,the silly boy didnt have a password,she read through every text message,looked through all the photos and even browsed through his search history.

She then removed her clothes,she was taught never to be wasteful,she knew exactly what to do next.


The water had begun to get cold,Lucas had been cleaned,he slowly got up from the tub as the door swung open,to his shock Rebecca strolled in wearing nothing,he blushed as she saw her bear breast and neatly trimmed womanhood,her glasses were gone and she had a evil smirk as she swayed toward him

He felt himself get hard,and to his shocked as Rebecca got close she grabbed at him


"I went through your phone, you have a bit of a crush on me" her hand was so soft and warm


"Its okay Lucas,I think your pretty cute"


"Nice and submissive like I like" she then let go and grabbed his hand,she led him through the hallways,as he dripped along the way.

They finally arrived at her room,it was dark red with purple sbeets on her bed,which was large,enough to fit....oh

"Why don't you lay down" she said shoving him lightly on the bed, then climbing on top of him "now Lucas,why did you run from me?"

He thought it was obvious "..I thought you were gonna beat me up" she feigned shocked

"Me? Never" she then giggled which caused him to get excited again "how bout we make a deal" she said rubbing her hand onto his chest

"I won't hurt you or let anyone else hurt you if mine" Lucas was confused


"You will do anything and everything I say and in return no one in our school will ever lay a finger on you"


"Please Lucas I know I'm not the only one beating you,so what do you say?"

"Why me?" He asked

She laughed and rolled off of him,quickly grabbing her robe "because like I said before your cute and submissive,and if I didn't chose you,well you'd keep getting your ass kicked until you drop out or worse"

Lucas knew he should say no,but she was right this might be the only way to protect himself "okay...I'll do it"

He leaned in for a kiss and she immediately shoved his face away

"What are you doing!?" She asked breaking out laughing.

"I..I thought you meant..." Rebecca took a full minute to regain composure

"Oh gawd no,I didn't bring you here to fuck you,no sweet innocent Lucas you will remain a virgin till I decide to let you pop your cherry"

He then blushed even brighter "oh...alright...sorry" she then shoved him back on her bed

"And to make sure you behave" she opened her dresser and pulled out a bright pink diaper

"I'm gonna diaper you"


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