Couldn't Get Away Prologue

"Hey Lucas" Ash said as she entered the bakery quickly tying her apron on

"Hey Ash right on time" he said with a warm smile "be right back gotta make a call" he said as be removed his hat and brushed some of the flour out of his hair

Ash laughed he didn't realized how flipping cute he was sometimes

They both had been working at the bakery for about 3 years,and for Ashley that was 5 boyfriends and Lucas had been her rock through all of them

It always shocked her he didn't have a girlfriend or maybe he did and just never mentioned it,he was always a secretive person

"Sorry it was my g..girlfriend,she's picking me up since my bike broke down" lucas said as he began pounding the dough on the counter

"Oh I didn't know you had a girlfriend" he took a moment and stopped himself from saying something

"Sh...she uh likes not to make a fuss about it,y'know" he said and Ashley realized he was getting nervous

"So bagels" he said changing the subject and beginning to mix the batter


The day dragged on uneventufully customers came in,left in and out all day Lucas stayed in back baking as fast as he could as Ashley swept


she turned to see a tall women,dark hair in a ponytail,thick rim glasses wearing tight work out clothes

Over her shoulder she held a duffle bag and was sucking down on her water

It took her a full 5 minutes before she looked to Ashley "is Lucas ready?" She asked sternly,it took Ashley a minite to register who she was

"Oh one sec!" She ran toward the back "Lucas your rides here" there was a look of udder dread of his face

"Sh...she's in the store?" He really removed his hat and apron "tell her ill be right out!" He then ran toward the break room

Ashley emrrhed with a friendly smile "he'll be right out"

"Thank you" his girlfriend said drinking more and more of her water,Ashley became uncomfortable with the silence

"Its funny he never mention he had a girlfriend" this caused his girlfriend to nearly choke on the water then proceed to laugh hysterically before quickly regaining composure

"Aww he said I was his girlfriend that's sooo cute" she said giggling and Ashley had no idea what was so funny

"I'm ready" Lucas said emerging from the backroom in his flour covered black pants and leather jacket

He went toward the door,but his apparently not-girlfriend grabbed his arm and turned him around

"Sweetie want to tell me why you told your coworker here I'm your girlfriend?"

His face went red as he struggled to find the right thing to say

"I...uh" he felt her grab the back on his jeans

"Well we're waiting" she said as he only blushed brighter

"Well we...I mean I thought we..." She let go of him

"Quite the grown ups are taking now" she looked to Ashley

"I am not his girlfriend,I am his mommy,he made his clear years ago he can't handle having a girlfriend and since I'm the only one who can handle him its my burden to bear I suppose" she finished with a bored sigh

"What the hell does that mean?" Ashley asked confused

"Becca please" Lucas said pleading,this caused her to grow a sadistic grin

"No its alright honey I think its good she find out now so she doesn't keep crushing on you" she said quickly grabbing his waistband and pulling his pants revealing a thick diaper with cartoon bears covering the front with one begging to fade

Ashley looked at Lucas shocked then at Becca

"Now we can go Lucas" she said grabbing his hand as he feebly tried pulling his pants back on

The entire walk he kept lookong back to gauge Ashley's reaction,but he couldn't see anything what with Becca pulling him so hard

"Get in" Becca said motioning toward the large custom made booster seat, he huffed and got in

"Aww is him gonna be a pouty pants?" Lucas refused to answer her and even give her the satisfaction of a look,he just stared at the front seat

"Fine suit yourself,but don't come.crying to me when I punish you" she said getting into the driver seat

"Pun...punish?" He saw the smile appear again

"Well of course honey I mean mommy did just catch you lying.can't let that go unpunished"

Lucas gulped as the car started,how the hell did his life get like this?


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