One Year to Diapers Part 1 of 4

Melissa smiled as she sat in the large futuristic chair, it had been many hard months of research and planning but her masterpiece was complete.

“Are you ready Professor Harris?” David her assistant asked as he sat behind the large computer.

Melissa laughed “please David I was born ready” Melissa said, David nodded and finished programming the coordinates.

“Okay so I’ve locked in the geolocation and armed the tachyon core…”

“Good, well David it’s been real but I’ll be seeing you…..” Melissa laughed as she keyed in date “next year”

She pressed the button and felt the machine begin to vibrate.

A swirling blue light enveloped her and suddenly everything began to spin.

It was a beautiful surreal vision

She could see all the important moments of her life

The day she was born, being held by her mother for the very first time.

Her father bought her her very own chemistry set that would serve her well in her career to come.

She could still feel Bobby’s lips press to hers for the first time and the first time he took her and made her feel alive.

As she got closer to the light at the end of the tunnel she felt the vibrations stop as the vision began coming to her faster and faster…… and then stopped.

She fell out of the chair and immediately vomited on the floor.

“Oh shit!” She heard someone yell “someone get a medic” two scientist picked Melissa up from the ground.

“Don’t worry we got you” another said as they led her to a chair.

One of them brought her over a bottle of water “here drink up we’re waiting for the medic”

Melissa groaned as the headache and disorientation slowly subsided “d…did it work?” She asked.

“Did what, work?” The scientist who she could now see was a blond man with a surfers tan

“The….time machine?” Melissa asked, the man looked at her puzzled.

“Time machine?” His partner, a chubby black man asked “is that what this is?” He asked looking it over, Melissa nodded right before she vomited in the waste bin.

“What’s wrong?” The medic asked as he came in with a cart, both men pointed at Melissa.


“Well your vitals seem fine, and you said the headache went away?”

“Yes” Melissa said

“And you said you were testing a time machine?” He asked skeptical.

“Yes “ Melissa said getting annoyed “how many times do I have to say that “

“I’m sorry, but it’s a little hard to believe”

“Well believe it, I came from the year 2021 and now I need to go back” Melissa said getting up and immediately getting dizzy, the medic caught her before she fell and led her back to her seat.

“Maybe you should rest a bit, we can have a car bring you home”

Melissa groaned, she didn’t want to find out what happened if she ran into her future self, David had joked it might cause a black hole…..which was ridiculous, but she still didn’t want to take any risks.

“Name?” The medic asked as he held his tablet.

“Melissa Harris” she said as she felt another wave of nausea hit.

But to her shock the medic began to laugh.

“W…what so funny?” Melissa asked, getting red in the face.

The medic didn’t answer merely kept laughing.

Melissa let out a yell as she stormed out.

She needed information, she needed to get to her lab.

She looked at her reflection and immediately regretted the skin-tight flight suit she wore.

“Note to self install pocket on version 2” she quickly made a beeline for her lab.

Upon getting to her lab she was shocked to find……a coffee shop, apparently her lab had been replaced

“Son of a bitch” she said before turning and leaving, she didn’t have many options for information left,but she would not leave the future until she got the answers she was looking for.

“Ma’am May I please see your ID?” Melissa spun and saw the large burly security guard behind her.

“I….I don’t have it on me” she said intimidated by his size.

He nodded with a smile “no matter, name?” He said pulling his phone out

“Melissa Harris” she said, like the medic this information caused him to burst out laughing.

Melissa stomped away, she had no other option.

She needed to find her future self then she could go home.


Melissa whistled a happy tune as she snuck out the back of the clothing store, unfortunately due to her lack of pockets she couldn’t necessarily pay for them, but when she went back to the past she’d be sure to put some money aside for this situation.

She found a nearby coffee shop and sat at one of there computers and began to try to find her future self.

Seems she was still living at the same location as before, which was walking distance.

Finally Melissa would get some answers.


“Crap” she said as her door was locked, there was no way to sneak in, she made her way to the backyard where she heard people

She’d simply talk to her future self, find out what was going on and then just head home, at least that was the plan.

She found herself at her backyard and was a bit thrown off by how different it looked in her own time, there was junk all over the backyard.

A swing set, toys scattered around and a large sandbox, much too big for a child.

And at the very end of the fence line was a Barbie dream house custom built to be as large as all the other things that now were scattered in back.

“Melly?” a familiar voice called, Melissa quickly ducked behind a tree.

She was honestly surprised to find the blond woman exit the house in search of her, it was surprising due to the fact she was Melissa’s sworn rival.

Amanda Jefferies, the two had spent there entire university and internships trying to one up each other, luckily for Melissa, she had been one step ahead of her rival and finally had won out securing the job in R&D that paved her way to success…

But now she apparently lived with Melissa.

“Melly? Where are you?” Amanda called out again, she looked and looked and Melissa then realized she was merely playing coy.

“Aww there you are,” Amanda said, approaching the Barbie dream house and opening the door.

Melissa heard her future self giggling like an idiot as Amanda led her out of the house.

The sight of her future self humiliated Melissa to no end, her future self wore her hair in long pigtails, and was completely naked….besides a large adult diaper with sesame street characters on them.

“Oh you silly little thing, where did you put your clothes?” Amanda laughed.

“I dunno” Future Melissa said as drool dripped from her lips, AManda hugged the future Melissa close and kissed her on the head.

“Oh i know sweetie….oh pee-ew i think someone needs a change” Amanda said.

Future Melissa sniffed and giggled “mommy i’m stinky” she laughed like a hyena as Amanda led her inside the house.

Melissa wanted to scream, wanted to vomit, the sight she had seen was too unbelievable to fathom.

“I…i have to get home” she said to herself, she pressed the return button on her wristwatch and was shifted back to 2021.

As she arrived back to her lab, she immediately vomited on the floor.

“Oh shit!” David yelled as he caught her “you okay!?”

Melissa pushed him softly away as she began to vomit again, “wa….water….i need….water”


“Okay your vitals seem good, but your suit is missing” David said as he removed the thermometer from Melissa’s mouth 94.5? That’s a bit low”

“I feel fine” Melissa said “yeah i stuck out like a sore thumb in the future”

David gave her a quizzical look “I thought you were just going to hop there for a moment and come back? How long were you there?”

“About an hour,” Melissa said.

“An hour!? Damn what was it like?” David asked

“About the same i suppose” Melissa said blushing a bit,she could not breathe a word of what she saw to anyone.

“So I guess our time machine is a success?” David asked, Melissa shot him an annoyed look

“My time machine is a success, now we just need to run a few more tests before we can submit our findings to the board.”

“Right” David agreed and put his lab coat back on “look i gotta head to my sisters thing, but if you have any side effects don’t hesitate to call”

Melissa nodded and waited until her assistant left the room.

“Of fuck!” she screamed as the images of what she saw in the future returned, this was not good, she had no idea why her future self was acting like that.

Melissa quickly opened her laptop and began to formulate a plan, she needed to discover what happened between today and a year from now, that would make her become….an adult baby”

She reached into her pants pocket and pulled out David’s key for the time machine, a security measure to make sure nobody besides the two of them could activate it.

She returned to the testing room, and began to input the coordinates, she looked over her shoulders a few times, just to make sure nobody caught her.

As soon as she was sure she was safe she took her seat in the time machine “Okay here goes nothing”

She was again blinded by the bright blue light she was greeted by her life flashing before her eyes.

She saw her and David first meeting in college, the two of them discovering tachyon fusion and then….

She was flung right into her back yard.

It was night time, which was good, less of a chance of the neighbors seeing her, she had sent herself 8 months into the future.

She figured she’d be able to try to talk some sense into her future self before she humiliated the two of them.

As she snuck into the backyard she was overjoyed to find there was nothing childlike about her backyard, it looked the same as it did in her own time.

“This is perfect, I still have time” she approached her back door and found it locked “Darn where did i keep my back up k….” She was overcome by the time travel nausea again. She lurched over to vomit but felt nothing coming out of her mouth “guess it was a false al…arm” she lurched forward and felt herself lose control of her bowels.

“N….no” she said softly as tears filled her eyes, she was taken aback at the humiliation.

She reached for her watch when the lights behind her clicked on “Melissa?” she let out a loud gulp as she recognized the voice… David.

To Be Continued.


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