Everything You Need To Know About The Littletonverse (By Danny)

 The Littles

  • Ollie: a Little of few words, Ollie has been in Littleton for a while due to a terrible trauma he finds it easier not to speak and luckily his Daddy is a man who does much of the speaking for him, Ollie mostly finds himself being dragged around by various other littles despite his apathy for being touched, he is a very kind boy who just wants everyone to get along. He has brown hair that is messy perhaps due to his Daddy constantly ruffling his hair.(Male)
  • Maddie: a Littleton resident who tries to help her Mommy run the only hotel in Littleton, many times she turns to her supervisor (and favorite stuffie) Winston to help her do the complicated parts of her job. she has blonde hair that is constantly kept in pigtails.(Female)
  • Dakota: Littleton's resident troublemaker, Dakota is fairly friendly with most people they meet, but finds it extremely difficult to conform to the various rules of Littleton Dakota has dark hair that is shaggy and swaps there outfit of choice on a whim (or whenever there Mommy and Daddy says so) (afab nonbinary)
  • Winnie: Dakota's girlfriend who is forced to be their partner in crime through various hooky adventures, Winnie is never far from her large teddy bear Edgar, Winnie has bright red hair and freckles on her nose. (Female)
  • Lexie: The newest resident of Littleton, she has become very shy and lives currently at The Foster House for Littles, while she can't wait to find her forever home, she finds she is very happy where she is, despite the weird noises coming from the attic, she red hair that his placed in a hairband (Female)
  • Paige: One of the littles at The Foster House, she is roommates with Lexie, and is showing her the ropes around the Foster House. she has black hair and glasses.

The Bigs

  • Uncle Leo: Ollie's Daddy, an older man in his 70's he is the resident mechanic in Littleton and is considered everyone's Uncle, he has a reputation for being a cantankerous old man, but has a young heart and always finds a reason to laugh despite tragedy.  He is a large rotund man, who is bald and has a large white beard.(Male)
  • Ms.Sadie: The owner of the only Hotel in Littleton, and Maddie's mommy, she is a kind hardworking woman who is usually one of the first people outsiders meet when they arrive in Littleton, she usually has a good sense of whether they belong or if they're just a fluke. she has dark black hair and usually wears dresses and an apron. (Female)
  • Deputy Doyle: A police officer in Littleton who enjoys how peaceful his town is, usually he's either rescuing a cat from a tree or bursting Dakota while their playing hooky, he is never seen outside of his uniform and he has dyed blue hair (Male)
  • Sheriff Reynolds: Dakota's Mommy and Abe's Wife and Sheriff of Littleton. she is known as the toughest women in Littleton as she single-handedly saves the town from a fire during its first year of being in existence, she finds her greatest challenge is keeping her little one under control, she a strong muscular black woman, with her hair dyed (Female)
  • Abe Reynolds: Dakota's Daddy and Sheriff Reynold's husband, he runs The Foster House For Littles, he is a nice man who takes care of any little, he, however, finds it quite challenging with his own Little one Dakota who constantly is playing hooky, he is tall and muscular with black hair (Male)
  • Melvin: One of the mayors many assistants, he is a very nervous young man who wants only to please the mayor although he finds it extremely difficult to leave up to her near impossible standards, he has blonde hair and glasses (Male)
  • Andrea Baker: The Mayor of Littleton, she has run the town since its creation, she loves the various littles in her town, although she herself as never had a Little one to call her own due to her specific taste, she has dark hair and wears glasses, she wears nothing but the finest suits (Female)
  • Lucas McAlister: One of the Four Founders of Littleton and member of the inner council, he rarely stays in Littleton and chooses instead to grow his various business ventures, he doesn't have a Little one due to his own specific taste, he is tall and handsome with long blonde hair that is constantly slicked back. (Male)
  • Duke: One of The Four Founders of Littleton, he is the husband of Julia and runs the Littleton school, he and his wife don't have a Little one of there very own, but have recently left Littleton to find them. he is a shorter man, with brown hair, he wears dress shirts and suspenders along with a corn cob pipe he keeps in his mouth (Male)
  • Julia: One of The Four Founders of Littleton, she is the wife of Duke and is mostly a homebody who prepares the house for there perfect Little one, she is a bit taller than her husband with red hair, she dressed in 50's era dresses and acts a bit ditzy around others (Female)


  • Bunny Girl: A mysterious girl who pops in around Littleton, she doesn't appear to be seen or noticed by The Big people around Littleton and only communicates with Littles, she wears a school uniform, has black hair which covers her eyes, and possesses a pair of white bunny ears whether there real or just costume remains to be seen, she also carries around a stuff bunny rabbit, she seems to be able to tell the future though it is unknown if its actually future vision or just common sense, (Female)
  • Dollie: a doll that resides in the attic of The Foster House, it appears to only want to play with the Littles who live in the house, but for some reason is kept up in the attic.


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