Storytime: First Time Sissification

Okay guys like promised here we have a story about the first time I was exposed to sissification, names have been changed as not to expose people or myself
Alright, to begin I need to set the stage a bit, as a kid, I naturally looked very feminine, and when I turned about 14 I had finally convinced my mother and my grandmother to allow me to grow my hair out for the summer, and from December to June my hair grew long, back touching my shoulders.
Now into our story enters an old friend of mine Abbie, now Abbie was two years older than me, and we hit it off right away, as we both were kinda nerds, she liked Yugioh so we became friends by playing at a local pool club my grandmother would take me to, to keep me out of trouble (as my older brother would also be there ironically getting HIM into trouble, but that's a story for another time :p)
So one day, while I was hanging with Abbie and her sister (my age at the time) Abbie started playing with my hair, and mentioned it was long enough she could put it in pigtails, I laughed at that and she laughed, but she kept talking about how cute I was and that I kinda looked like a girl (which obviously at the time, hit my ego a bit as I always felt self-conscious about being not manly enough), well we ended up getting distracted by something else and eventually, the conversation was forgotten....or so I thought.
About a week later, Abbie and I were playing Yugioh together and she made a bet with me that if she won our next game I had to do whatever she said for an entire day, so I agreed....and lost.
She told me that she wasn't ready for my end of the deal yet and she would tell me when she was ready for her prize, I thought it was odd but hey I got another day of freedom.
Well the next day came and she told me she wanted to cash in, then pulled up in her dad's car that she was borrowing and told me we were going out.
I was sorta a latchkey kid my entire childhood so, I locked up my house texted my mom and left, well we got to her house, which was completely empty besides her sister, and Abbie told me what she wanted me to do, she handed me a yellow dress and told me to take my clothes off, I obeyed, she told me to keep my boxers on, then they put on to of there bars on me, and started stuffing the cups, then finally put the dress on me, I figured we were done...boy was I wrong, the two acted like I was a giant doll for them to play with, she worked on my hair, as her sister worked on makeup, I suppose I could have said something, but at the time I was too curious what I would actually look like as a girl.
After they were finished, they had me stand in front of a mirror and well... I didn't recognize myself, they hand me back my sandals and dragged me out of the house, I was terrified at first as what if someone I knew saw me? what if my mother saw me? or even worse my brother?
We got back in her dad's car and headed to the mall, where they dragged me around different places, like the Sunoco movie store, GameStop, eventually, the two started giggling as they brought me to a girl's clothing store.
We spent nearly an hour there, them making me try on various outfits, and after a bit, I admit I had a bit of fun, then they finally found an outfit that was 'perfect' it was a green sundress, they bought it and told the cashier it was a present for there little sister, I blushed a  bit as the woman wished me a happy birthday and told me I was a lucky girl.
They then had me carry the bag with us for another half hour before it was time to go home when we got back to there house, they scrubbed my face, and gave me back my boy clothes, I handed them the bag (assuming, of course, it was for her sister), they then instead told me it was mine to wear the next time I lost in a game of Yugioh.
When I got home I nervously snuck in, and nobody was home (thank god) and got back to my room, I figured, what was the harm in trying it on again?
I got to my bathroom, that was off my room, and quickly stripped off my boy clothes and put the green dress on, I liked the way it looked on me and how it felt on me, but then shame kicked in, I quickly took it off, returned it to the bag, I kept it there in the back of my closet until midway through Freshmen year when I put it on again but thought I looked a bit silly with my head shaved wearing the dress, so I took it off, but the memory always stayed with me and eventually I found out other people were into it, I tried later talking to Abbie about this, I don't know why but she always felt bad about it, don't know why I told her she had nothing to be sorry about.
I mean we really don't talk much anymore, since that summer we hung out together, but I like to think  losing that bet helped me discover a part of myself I would have kept hidden if it wasn't for her, and besides there are two other stories that helped me learn more about my interest in sissification, but you guys wouldn't wanna hear about that......would you?


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