A Birthday He'd Never Forget"

'Hey guys this story is based on a dream I had last night, that made me wake up blushing, hope you enjoy'

A Night He'd Never Forget

by Danny Tree
Copyright 2020
Time seemed to slow for Danny as he saw her make her way into the store, Jessica one of his neighbors, his heart seemed to skip a beat as she saw him and waved with a warm smile on her face, he slowly waved back trying to return a smile, but all he could do was blush, she came over, and removed her earbud
"Hey stranger, haven't seen you in a while" she laughed, Danny tried to act cool, as he leaned against his register
"Yeah, been a whole 2 hours," he said laughing, she offered a laugh which seemed purely out of politeness, "so uh what brings you in," he asked
"oh have to pick up a few things, having a party at my place tonight" 
"oh cool," he said 
"you have any plans?" she asked grabbing a basket from his register, the truth was it was his birthday today, the 24th to be exact, but he had no plans and really no one to celebrate with, Danny was basically a loner, his few friends would be busy working and that was alright....he told himself.
"uh not really here till 6 and then I don't know" he laughed, Jessica looked at him for a moment, obviously holding back something
"well why don't you swing by after work, it's gonna be a killer time," she said, and then began walking off "you don't need my address right?" she asked with a wink
he laughed "no I think I can find the place
"oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Danny yawned as he answered the phone, it was Emma, one of his best friends since well forever, he leaned back in his chair and began chomping on chips
"it's alright," he said
"no it's not, I'm so sorry I forgot!" this was a common occurrence, every year she seemed to have forgotten, and every year Danny would become very amused with her various attempts at making it up to him, last year she had ordered him a large stuff monkey, and unfortunate it was too large to fit in his place, her heart was in the right place of course, but her execution needed some work
"seriously Em it's fine, these things happen....a lot" he laughed
"I swear I'll make it up to, I'll come over with cake after work and we'll"
"yeah that sounds great Em, look I gotta get back to work, see ya tonight" he laughed and hung up, and made a mental note to clear some space for whatever crazy thing she bought him to make up for forgetting his birthday.
"Freedom!" Danny yelled as he hopped on his bike and rode home, he was ready to party, his phone rang again, this time was Avery
"Happy Birthday," she said in a calm and monotone voice, she was out of state at the moment and obviously wasn't gonna show today
"Thanks, how's the windy city?" he asked as he bunny hopped off the curb and kept riding
"eh pizza here's overrated, you and Emma hanging tonight?"
"Nah she's at work and forgot" he laughed and Avery joined in, in her Avery way
"I'll be sure to get you a present," she said then immediately hung up, that was Avery for ya, quick and concise
As he locked his bike up, he noticed how quiet Jess's house was, he shrugged and ran up to his apartment to get ready, he was actually pretty excited, most of Jess's friends were hot as hell, who knows Danny might even find someone there.
After he knocked Danny took a deep breath and waited, he had to admit he was nervous, the door swung open and Jess stood in the doorway and she looked amazing, in a tight black dress, she had a smirk "well you clean up well" she said with a wink, as Danny blushed, he didn't really know what to wear so he figured a black tee and jeans should be fine, now he thought he should definitely have grabbed something else
"I uh...well"
"come on in," she said ushering him inside, to his surprise the party was only one other person, who was currently passed out of the couch snoring softly
"am I early?" he asked
"oh no you right on time"
"seems kinda small," he said, Jess lead him to the couch "I prefer intimate," she said having him sit on the couch, only inches away from her sleeping friend, Danny felt a bit nervous, having two beautiful women so close to him
"can I get you a drink?" she asked, he merely nodded, trying not to say anything stupid, she left the room, leaving him next to the unconscious girl, who he felt starting to wake
"mmhmm" was all she said, as her hands wrapped around Danny's chest, "so soft" she moaned and suddenly lowered her chin onto his shoulder
"wait...your not Jess," she said drowsily
"n...no I'm Danny," he said, she leaped off the couch and yawned
"be right back," she said leaving him alone in the living room, before long however Jess returned holding two bottles
"here" Danny smiled and took the drink, he sipped it quickly and felt buzzed immediately
"wow...strong stuff," he said and took another sip, Jess smiled and took a sip of her own beer
"special brew," she said sitting closer "so you ready to have some fun tonight?" Danny nodded and took another sip, this time he felt heavier and a bit dizzy
"uh yeah...real fun...uh... I feel..." he fell off the couch, causing his beer to spill on the carpet, Jess sighed as she stared at his face down on the ground.
"well fun for me anyway"
Danny's eyes felt so heavy as he fought to open them, but as he did everything was all blurry, he was laying on his back, and staring at the fan spinning, which did not help his dizziness, "wha....appening?: he mumbled, He saw Jess now standing over him
"aww poor baby, you fell asleep, probably past your bedtime" he was confused, and felt a tug at his pants, "get you out of these wet pants sweetie," she said holding his jeans over his face, he could make out a dark spot in the crouch
"eww look at these," she said holding his boxers over him "we don't need yucky things like that right?" Danny was confused but felt compelled to agree
"Uh-huh," he said slowly nodding his head, Jess looked amused by this, and laid next to him
"do you understand what's happening sweetie?" she asked him, but as he tried to reply his head spun even more and he merely moaned "shhh it's okay no need to talk, I know," she said pushing something into his mouth, which seemed to help with the dizziness, he kept his eyes shut
"Okay sweetie legs up" he complied and felt something slip under him, she than began to pour powder on him, stopping only to rub it in, before she tapped what his addled mind had just realize was a diaper on
"nuh...no..." he said allowing whatever was in his mouth to drop "nooo" Jess was amused and plopped the pacifier back in 
"shhh trust me okay sweetie, now arms up," she said removing his shirt, he shivered and she hugged him briefly, she felt so warm, "keep your arms up," she said slipping something over his head, then snapping it into place
"perfect" he heard someone say, Jess threw a blanket over him which felt so heavy, as he tried getting up, "shh no Danny stay right there"
Jessa placed a baby bottle into his mouth and he began drinking, he immediately recognized it as the drink from earlier, he wanted to stop drinking, his mind was already so fuzzy he needed to try to keep his wits about him, but before long everything went dark.
As his eyes opened again, he found himself moving, but his legs weren't moving, he found himself being pushed in a cart, he recognized it as a mega mart that was down the road to his job, "what?" he asked realizing the pacifier dropped from his mouth, his vision cleared enough to notice Jess pushing him in the cart, as her friend walked next to her
"oh hey there sunshine you have a nice nap?" she asked him
"what are we doing here?" he asked quickly closing his eyes as everything spun
"well we're picking up some stuff for the party," Jess said, this confused Danny he thought they had already done the party, although his mind couldn't really know why he thought that
"Why am I in the cart?" he asked, Jess's friend sighed and placed the pacifier back in his mouth
"relax sweetie we're almost done," she said reaching into the cart and handing him a stuffed bear "hold on tight to him huh" Danny felt he had no choice to obey, as a feeling of warmth washed over him as he felt them moving for what felt like an hour
As his eyes opened again he found themselves at the checkout line, Jess was talking to the cashier, both of them giggling at Danny, he blushed but couldn't understand what they were saying, but he realized he was clearly the butt of the joke.
"hand it here," Jess said taking the bear quite easily out of his hands "couldn't leave without this," she said to the cashier
he heard the girl refer to him as adorable, somehow that didn't make him feel good,
Eventually, they had finished paying and the three began moving again, Jess and her friend were talking about how much fun they were having and how much fun there was to come, neither one spoke to Danny, even when they began filling the backseat of her jeep with there purchases, he tried talking but found the pacifier had somehow made its way back into his mouth.
"Okay sweetie in you go," Jess said easily lifting him into the seat, it alarmed him slightly, was he as small as he felt? he looked to her mirror and saw he looked the same as before although more dressed more juvenile.
"Here drink up," her friend said placing another bottle to his mouth, he tried to refuse but realized Jess would not start the car until he obeyed, he began drinking it down as they began driving
"We have a nice surprise waiting for you" Jess assured him as everything went dark.
As he awoke one last time, he was surprised he was now sitting at a table, in an oversized highchair, to his absolute horror he found Emma sitting on his right side smiling at him, on his left was Avery snapping pictures
"what's going on....?" he asked "let me go," he said trying to break free
"relax Danny," Emma said grabbing his hand, "trust us," she said with a wink
The lights began to dim as Jess entered the dining room, holding a large cake with one big candle in the center 
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" the 4 women sang in union, Danny tried getting out of the highchair, but found his legs bound to the sides
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Jess got closer and Danny became exhausted as he tried getting free, they had all gone crazy!
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DANNY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!" Jess laid the cake in front of him than all eyes fell on him, he looked to Avery and Emma who were supposed to be his friends, he stared at Jess who had a warm protective smile, and the mysterious fourth girl who merely was watching his
He looked to Emma, "sweetie blow it out" she suggested, he nodded deciding he would perhaps play along, he blew with all his strength as the room went dark as the flame went out
The lights went on and he saw Jess's entire apartment was covered in balloons and streamers with a large banner that said 'Happy Birthday Danny!!"
"what's going on?" he asked again, Jess placed a large piece of cake on the tray in front of him, Emma took a fork and held a piece in front of him 
"don't be fussy, I worked really hard on the cake it's red velvet your favorite," she said forcing the piece into his mouth, he sulked and chewed, becoming frustrated at what his friends were doing
"well sweetie, as you know I owe you for forgetting your birthday and well I talked to Jess and Lucy here," he said motioning to Jess and her friend
"and they offered me a way to make things right, they've been feeding you a...potion of sorts one dose, doesn't do much she renders she a bit incompetent for a bit, but if you keep taking it well"
"the effects become permanent" Lucy offered as she took a bite of cake
"but the potion was really only the first step, this cake....or the candle on the cake is what's really special, Jess got us a magic candle that once blown out by someone would link them to there master"
Danny looked at her dumbfounded, she was not making any sense, magic wasn't real...right?
"master?" he asked looking at her, she smirked and gave the other women a nod
"Just call me mommy," she said wiping the frosty off his lip, it took him a moment to realize what all this meant, his bladder gave out as he stared at Emma.
"Does baby need a change?" he asked him, easily moving the tray off him and holding him tight as his feet feebly touched the ground
The other women giggled as Emma laid in on the makeshift changing pad on the floor, they cooed as she began changing him, remarking on how cute his 'winkie' was causing him to blush and them to laugh, even more, this was definitely worse than the giant monkey incident, at least there was a way out back than, he doubted there was one now.
As she finished changing him, she hugged his tightly and kissed him on the head, he wanted to stay angry, but he felt compelled to hug her back, this was wrong, but it felt so right.
"Time to open presents," Avery said helping the others carry the multiple presents to Danny who was sat against the couch.
Jess was the first one to hand him the gifts "oh your just gonna love what I got you!" she said handing him a bag, he reached inside it and found the bear from earlier inside, he looked at it and felt a feeling of euphoria holding it
"what do you say, Danny?" Emma asked
"thank you," he said, Jessa came over to him and hugged him and he felt compelled to hug back, he briefly forgot that it was her who caused all this.
"Open mine next!" Lucy said handing him wrapped present, he found it was hard to get a good grip, Lucy eventually sat next to open and essentially opened the box for him, he was able to lift the lid himself and found a pink dress inside the box, Lucy lifted it out of the box and held it on his chest "isn't it adorable" the others nodded in approval and Danny feebly thanked her, even though in his head it wasn't a very thoughtful gift he was a boy after and dresses were for girls.
"oh I can tell he wants to try it on," Lucy said, and then began to pull Danny's blue shirt off, "arms up honey," she said, he obeyed, even though he really didn't want to
She made him stand as she pulled the dress down, and fluffed it down, "hmm?" she said grabbing a brush and beginning to brush his hair, it was normally very shaggy, but after a few moments of working on  it, she had placed his hair in pigtails
"see now he doesn't always have to be a silly boy"
"How thoughtful," Emma said with a chuckle, Danny blushed crimson it brought back memories of being a kid when Avery and Emma made him wear a dress, he thought they had outgrown this, he guessed he was wrong.
"Here we go," Avery said sitting next to him and helping him open his present, to his surprise it was a tea set "remember how much fun we used to have with the tea party?" she laughed and he sulked, he had hated having tea parties, Avery had always made him
"thanks" he said Avery hugged him close, the most affectionate she had been to anyone in years
"of course glad you like it little Dani" she said
"and we have one last present," Emma said, Danny wasn't looking forward to this, all the present had just excuses to tease him, Emma held the bag and motioned him toward her, he couldn't walk right, so he was forced to crawl.
As he dug through the bag, he was shocked to find something he hadn't seen in years, he found at the bottom of the bag his old green baby blanket, he looked to Emma in surprise
"I fixed it up for you," she said genuinely, all anger he held for her faded at that moment, he hugged her and held the blankie close.
The night ended and Emma had taken Danny (now back to wearing only a blue shirt) back to her house, where he found a fully stocked nursery waiting for him.
She laid him down in his new crib with his teddy bear and blankie close in hand, as the mobile played he had one last adult thought as his mind faded
This was definitely a birthday he'd never forget.


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