A Bit of Fun Part 1 of 3

Hey guys a short 3 parter for you guys to enjoy
"Yo" Dylan said as he made his way into the living room barely noticing his sister and her babysitter,Hanna

He dug through the pantry until he finally found the hersey bar he had hidden,he closed it he found Hanna staring at him her arms cross and her foot taping on the ground

"Uh can I help you?" He asked,she let out a disgusted sigh

"Your not staying" he knew it was a question but it sounded like a demand

"I...its my house" he said

"I'm payed to babysit your sister not you" he started to laugh

"We're in the same class your not babysitting me" he laughed even harder,but Hanna was not amused

"Leave or I'll tell your parents you lied to them about being at work"

Dylan let out a gulp his mom would kill him if she knew he lied

"Okay okay I'll go,just got to grab something" he quickly ran to his room and dug through his dressed till he had the brass ring on his finger

"Okay you got your ring now get out!" Hanna ordered

"Relax I'm going just needed this for some fun"

"What you gonna sell it?" Dylan looked at her shocked for a moment them laughed

"No I'd never sell this ring,I'm having to much fun with it"

"Its just a ring weirdo"

"No its not just a ring I....look if I tell you promise not to say anything"


"This ring can alter reality" this caused Hanna to laugh

"God your such a geek,what is this some sort of make belive game you play with your dork friends?"

"No its not,I'm telling you the truth"

"Okay prove it!"

"Fine I will" he then grabbed her hand and smiled "Ms.Trevors is back to normal" the ring glowed brightly and a wave of light engulfed the house

As it faded the house seemed different,the toys vanishes and the pictures changed

And in the place of Dylan's sister stood a grown and very angry women

"What the..." Hanna began

"Fuck did you do to me" Ms.Trevor's said grabbed Dylan by the collar

"Ms.Trevors is back home with no memory of what I did" she then poof away in a puff of sparkles

"Oh...my...god" Hanna said shocked "how?"

"Old lady gave me the ring after I helped her get home,been having some fun with it"

"Why did you turn Ms.Trevors into your sister"

Dylan blushed a bit "I...uh messed up and she threatened to tell my parents so I turned her into a kid,look I planned to turn her back" he said defensively

"I cant believe it..." She said before a mischevious idea popped into her head,she shoved Dylan to the ground and ripped the ring from his hand

"I can't trust a brat like you with something like this"

She placed the ring on her finger "I'm the richest girl in the world" the ring didn't glow leaving Hanna confused

Dylan laughed and reached into his pocket,revealing the ring

"Slight of hand Hanna" he said placing the ring on his finger

Hanna was scared "look I'm sorry I just..."

"I think you need to learn a lesson"


Hanna woke up confused the room didn't look familiar "hello?

"Morning" Dylan said entering the room and openimg the blinds,it was morning

"I have to get home" she said jumping up from her bed and finding herself dressed in feetie pajamas "what the?"

"Oh Hanna you are home" she looked around and found the room was the same but looked totally different

Her formely blue walls were pink with cartoon characters painted on the walls,her hardwood floor now fluffy carpet

"What did you do?" She asked angrily,Dylan smiled

"Oh just a few adjustments,nothing major"

She looked at the clock, "I need to get ready" Dylan took a moment to take the hint before leaving her to her routine

She stipped off the pajamas and dug through her closet "where the hell is my uniform?" She blushed as she opened the door

"I need your help" Dylan smirked and admired her nude form

"Help with what?"

"I cant find my cheer uniform and I can't be late so..."

"Oh heh sure" he snapped his fingers and energy swirled around her dressing her in her uniform,even applying her make up for her

"Thanks now I gotta go" she said trying to push past him he spun her and took her hand again

"I'll give you a lift" he said as he led her out of the house


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