Just Deserts Chapter 1

Lily groaned as she entered the restaurant and saw every section full, and a small line of angry customers, she hated how they began to leer at her, she nervously tagged her uniform’s short skirt down, she liked working here, but the uniform, girls at hooters were dressed more conservatively.

“Yo Lily in here!” a call form the mangers office came, Lily quickly slipped through the rows, until she got into the office, to her relief she did not see the heavyset balding man, slumped back in his chair, but instead there was Jimmy, his shaggy hair brushed back with his thick rim glasses, slumped down on his nose

“hi Jimmy” she said removing her coat

“hey there Lily thanks for coming in, Rudy’s sick, your on section 3, and watch out for Megan…she’s in a mood” he said with a laugh and went back to the paperwork, Lily giggled at his joke and went toward the waitress room, she had a crush on Jimmy for years, ever since high school he was a senior and she was a sophomore, Jimmy wans’t like all the others seniors, he was sweet and kind and it wasn’t for ‘certain’ people Lily knew she would have had a shot, she sigh, no sense in thinking about that now, she had worked to do.


Lily let out a sigh of relief as she sat in the break room and pulled out her phone, she hated working Saturdays all the regulars would come in and would make all the waitresses really work for a decent tip, that was the major downside of working at O’Doyle’s it was a sleazy restaurant run by a sleazy man, but unfortunately it was the only place in town that was always hiring.

“I said I was sorry!” Jimmy yelled as he stormed through into the break room, followed immediately by….her, the hell bitch, head cashier Megan who was the girlfriend of Jimmy, frankly Lily had no clue what the hell he saw in her, she was a grade A bitch, who was always putting Jimmy down, and of course everyone of the waitresses

“sorry isn’t good enough Jimmy!, I told you I wanted the laundry done today!, get it through your fucking head!” she said smacking him on the shoulder

She noticed Lily staring “what the fuck are you looking at slut?” Lily gulped and got up

“nothing…sorry!” she said running away meekly, sure she hated Megan, but on top of all of the that, she was freaking terrified of her, back in high school, Megan beat up a cheerleader, apparently just for looking at her funny

“Megan bitching again?” Cassie asked as she took a long drag form her cigarette, Lily liked Cassie allot, mainly cause of the act she put on, out on the floor she was sugary and sexy to all the customers, even put up a southern accent, but behind the scenes she was a bitch, not like Megan, the kind of bitch who everyone loved, the one who knew she could get away with anything

“ye…yeah, I don’t know how Jimmy takes it?”

“me either especially since I heard she still has her V-Card” Cassie giggled and Lily joined in despite the fact, she was still very much a virgin

“What the hell are you two standing around for!?” Megan said slamming the door wide open

“we’re on break sweetie” Cassie said taking another drag

“both of you?” she asked, staring daggers at Lily, who meekly hid behind Cassie

“I’ve been here since 7 and Lily’s been here since 8, so yeah we’re taking a break:” Cassie then flick her cigarette, and walked to her car

“cut it short” Megan said sternly to Lily “I want your ass back on that floor in 5 minutes” Lily wanted to argue, to tell her she still had 10 minutes, but Megan scared her to much, so she obeyed.


Lily knew it was stupid, a very stupid plan that would most defiantly cause Megan to lash back at her, but in her heart she knew it was the right move

She had felt so bad for Jimmy, how he was treated by Megan, how she didn’t appreciate him, how she hit him!

No Lily needed to do something, she would come to him as a friend, bring him a box of sugar cookies, his favorite, and console him about how terrible Megan was, then when the moment was right she would kiss him and he’d kiss her back

It was fool proof

She took one final deep breath to steady her nerves, as she parked a small distance away and head toward his house, normally she’d be worried that Megan would be there, but she knew Megan was closing tonight.

Lily made it to one of his windows to make sure he was home, and to her shock, not only did she see Jimmy….but Megan!?


Jimmy stood in the center of his living room, still wearing his dress shirt and slacks, but had removed his glasses, he seemed to stand more confidently “I’m waiting” he said sternly

Lily was shocked at what she saw as Megan entered, looking completely different then Lily was used to seeing her

She seemed meeker, her eyes staring down at the floor, her work clothes were removed, she stood in a Else t-shirt, and a thick diaper with princesses on it was wrapped around her waist, she carried a green blankie in one arm, her black hair tied in ribbons

Jimmy seemed pleased “what do you have to say for yourself princess?” he asked, staring down at her, Jimmy was a few inches taller then Megan, but now with her meek attitude and infantile clothing, he seemed to tower over her

“I’m sowwy” she said adding a babyish lisp, she hugged the blankie closer to her chest

“your ‘sowwy’ about what?” he asked sternly and placed his hand on her chin raising her eyes to meet his glance

“sowwy I was cwanky at wowk”

and?” he asked

“sowwy I said a no no word….allot”

“very good, now you know what has to happen next right”

“uh huh” she said slowly nodding, Jimmy took a seat and patted his lap, Megan laid on his lap, as he took her blankie from her grip and placed in next to him





Megan cried out as each blow landed on her padded rear, after the barrage on her bottom was completed Jimmy placed her back on her feet, and hugged her

“daddy’s sorry he had to do that sweetie, I know you learned your lesson”

‘uh huh” Megan said holding him close and plopping her thumb in her mouth, “mhmm daddy” she whined holding her hand out

“oh I almost forgot” he said handing her back her blankie, and then lifting her up “now I think you need a nap before you go back to being a big girl”

“yay” Megan said as Jimmy laid her down

Lily was shocked at what she was watching, then started to laugh, big tough Megan was some sort of weirdo who liked to wear diapers, then a dark little idea popped into her mind.


“dammit” Megan said as she looked through the binder, she needed to find someone to replace Rudy, they were already stretched very thin, and now Rudy had decided to be ‘sick’


“enter” Megan said not bothering to look up from her books, Lily had slipped in meekly “what do you want Lily?” she asked annoyed

“um I was wondering if I could talk to you about something?”

Megan sighed and looked up “look I’m not Jimmy, you can’t just come into this office and try to slack off, wait your not even on the clock, what are you doing here?”

Lily had a evil smirk forming, that she forced herself to push back

“well I just needed to show you something” she said pulling out her phone, and playing the video

Megan’s went slack jawed as she watched the video of her playing baby and Jimmy playing her daddy

“y…you can’t show that to anyone!”

“oh? Why not? I think the girls would get a real kick out of this”

“Lily please this is serious, y…”

“well you’ve always been a real bitch to me, so I’m thinking this would kind of be like just deserts”

“look I’ll do anything just delete the video”

This caused Lily to smile widely “well now, funny you should say that”


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