A Bit of Fun Part 1 of 3
Hey guys a short 3 parter for you guys to enjoy 1 "Yo" Dylan said as he made his way into the living room barely noticing his sister and her babysitter,Hanna He dug through the pantry until he finally found the hersey bar he had hidden,he closed it he found Hanna staring at him her arms cross and her foot taping on the ground "Uh can I help you?" He asked,she let out a disgusted sigh "Your not staying" he knew it was a question but it sounded like a demand "I...its my house" he said "I'm payed to babysit your sister not you" he started to laugh "We're in the same class your not babysitting me" he laughed even harder,but Hanna was not amused "Leave or I'll tell your parents you lied to them about being at work" Dylan let out a gulp his mom would kill him if she knew he lied "Okay okay I'll go,just got to grab something" he q...